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F-4 Visa 의회통과, 뷰티업계도 참여해야



“해당 지역 공화당 의원 만나 협조 부탁하고 KAGC 에 연락 주면 워싱턴 사무실 직접 찾아 갈 것”



한. 미간 FDA 협약에 따른  E-4 Visa가 11년째 통과가 안되고 있는 가운데, 이를 통과시키기 위한 ‘범동포추진위원회’가 결성되어 활동하고 있다.   

워싱턴에 본부를 두고 있는 Korean-American Grassroots Conference(K.A.G.C)의 김동석 대표가 이번  NFBS Trade 쇼에 특별히 참석하여, E-4 Visa 의회 통과를 위한 뷰티업계의 참여를 독려했다.  


김 대표는 “전국에 걸쳐 네트워크를 갖고 있는 뷰티서플라이 사업가 여러분들이 지역 공화당 연방의원을 만나서 구체적인 커뮤니케에션 루트를 만들고, 법안 통과를 위한 서명을 부탁해야 한다”면서 “여러분이 누구를 만났다는 연락만 해주시면,  저희 K.A.G.C가 해당 의원의 워싱턴 사무실 찾아가서, 귀 의원 지역구의 한인들이 의원님을 만났다고 하는데, 구체적인 답을 달라고 요구할 수 있습니다. 만약 그것도 잘 안 될 경우,  지역구 한인 여러분들을 워싱턴으로 오시게 한 후, 해당 의원의 워싱턴 사무실에 함께 가서, 지역구 사람들이 여기까지 왔으니 협조해 달라고 요청하면, 일이 훨씬 쉽게 이루어집니다.  이게 그라스루트 로비라고 할 수 있어요. “라고 덧붙였다.   


E-4 Visas 전문 교육을 받고 기술을 보유한 한국 국적자에 연간 최대 1만 5000개의 전문직 취업비자를 발급하도록 하는 게 골자다.  미국과 자유무역협정(FTA)을 체결한 다른 국가들은 이미 누리고 있는 혜택이다.  





While the E-4 Visa Law under the Korea-U.S.A. FDA agreement has not been passed for 11 years, the Pan Korean-American Promotion Committee has been formed and is working to pass it. Kim Dong-seok, Executive Committee Chairman of the Korean-American Classroots Conference (K.A.G.C), headquartered in Washington, attended the NFBS Trade Show specifically to encourage the beauty supply industry to participate in passing the E-4 Visa law in Congress.


“You, beauty supply entrepreneurs with networks all over the country, should meet with your local Republican congressman to create specific communication routes and ask for their signatures to pass the bill, “ Kim said. “If you just let us know that you’ve met the congressman in your district, K.A.G.C. will go to the congressman’s Washington office and try to follow up with them and advocate on your behalf. However, if that doesn’t work, then it’s much more powerful to go together to their Washington office and ask them to cooperate, because you came all the way to the Washington. It’s the Grassroots lobby.”


The goal of the E-4 Visa is to issue up to 15,000 work visas annually to Korean nationals who have received professional training and possess skills. These are benefits that other countries that have signed a free trade agreement with the U.S. are already enjoying.