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뭐니뭐니 해도 우리가 지켜야 할 상품은 '헤어제품'


1. 가발 시장 무슨 일이 일어났는가?

생산공장 운영 위기 상황, 공장이라도 돌리게 해야 

장사 안된다. 특히 가발 안 나간다. 그중에서 인모 가발 안 나간다는 말 전국에서 비슷하게 들립니다. 그나마 팔리는 인모 가발은 저가의 짧은 스타일 정도이고, 어쩌다 얻어걸린, 싸게 만들거나 싸게 팔 수밖에 없는 사연을  가진 긴 모장 가발들이 전부입니다. 스토어에서 마네킹 숫자는 줄어들고 있고, 그 자리 브레이드와 신세틱 위빙, 잡화들이 잠식해 들어오고 있습니다. 또 다른 재고의 위험을 느끼지만, 그렇다고 비워둘 수는 없으니, 그렇게 채워지고 있습니다. 그리고 이제 신세틱 가발 판매도 줄어들었고, 레이스 제품 판매가 현저하게 줄어들었습니다.  꾸준히 판매되는 신세틱 가발 역시 털어 파는 저가품과 과다재고 클로즈아웃 저가 판매가 주류를 차지하고 있습니다. 


팬더믹 특수에 수제제품이 모자란다 하여 과외로 구입한 제품들이 도매와 소매 창고에 잠든 뒤 벌써 해가 넘어가고 있습니다. 버티지 못한 마지막 재고들이 이제야 초저가로 풀리고 있는 상태에서 신제품 출시는 두려운 모험입니다. 그러다 보니 패션 장사를 해야 하는 뷰티 스토어들이 헤어 제품에 관한한 재고 정리 아웃렛이 되었고, 그나마 출시되는 신제품들은 패션이 아니라 가격에 초점을 맞춘 저가의 하질 상품들이 주류를 이루고 있습니다. 정품을 싸게 판매하는 것과 기획부터 싸게 팔려고 만드는 제품의 품질 차이는 심각합니다. 요즈음 젊은 가발 소비자층은 가발을 케어하며 사용하는 방법 자체를 모릅니다. 그래서 그냥 털어 썼을 때 헤어가 엉키거나 건조하여 날리는 저가 가발에 질색합니다. 한 번은 구매해도 두 번은 구매하지 않습니다. 컬리 제품의 경우는 더 합니다. 예뻐 보여도 사용 후 불편하면 다시 구매하지 않습니다. 그렇게 가발 제품들은 이리 치이고 저리 치이며 나락으로 떨어져 아무도 무엇도 하지 않는 상태에서 벗어나지 못하고 있습니다. 


중소형 가발공장은 그래도 괜찮아, 대형 공장들이 문제

공룡은 시들하고 작은 동물들은 살아남았습니다. 중국 인모 공장 이야기입니다. 중. 소형 중국 인모 가발 공장들은 어렵지 않습니다. 그게 무슨 소리인가 싶지만 실제 그렇습니다. 물론 메가브랜드를 생산하던 대형 OEM 공장은 어렵습니다. 브랜드를 판매하는 도매상들의 주문이 줄었기 때문입니다. 반면 공원 100명 안밖으로 한 달에 인모 가발 몇 천 개 생산하면 되는 공장들은 그 어느 때보다 바쁘고 잘 돌아갑니다. 아프리카에서 인모 제품이 유행하고 있기 때문이고, 북미 시장 온라인 주문이 꾸준하기 때문입니다. 아프리카는 선 결제 후 선적이고, 북미 온라인도 선 주문 결제 후 선적이니 마진 좋고 재고가 없습니다. 총매출이야 브랜드 OEM 시절보다 줄었지만 마진 좋고 재고 없고, 외상 없는 장사로 공장들은 잘 돌아가고 있습니다. 공장의 가장 큰 어려움은 오더가 없는 것이 아니라 급하다며 대량 주문해 놓고 재정상 어렵다고 가져가지 않는 수입 도매상들의 몰염치입니다. 재고 쌓이고 외상 쌓이면 공장은 소생이 어렵습니다.  그래서 그들은 자구책을 찾아 그렇게 온라인으로 아프리카로 떠난 것입니다. 


인도네시아와 방글라데시에 있는 대형 신세틱 헤어 제품 공장들의 어려움도 큽니다. 한달 가발 생산 30만 개~50만 개가 가능하도록 라인을 준비했는데 실제 주문은 5만 개~10만 개 들어갑니다. 건물은 비어 있고 공원은 집으로 보내야 하며 야근은 멈추었고 주 5일 근무가 복지처럼 자리 잡았습니다. 한때는 6개월씩 밀려 있던 오더량은 이제는 한 달 겨우 살림입니다. 공장의 생산 케파를 무기로 바이어들을 줄 세우던 권력의 세월도 허망하게 끝이 났습니다. 공장 어려움은 시장 어려움보다 더 심각합니다. 시장이야 비 오면 우산 팔고 비 개이면 신발 팔면 되지만 헤어 제품 만드는 공장은 그게 쉽지 않습니다. 기술자를 양성하는데 수년이 필요하고, 원사는 미리 돈을 주어야 선적이 이루어집니다. 인건비는 미룰 수 없는 고정 비용인데 바이어들은 만들어 놓은 제품들의 선적을 뒤로 미루고 결제를 안 하며 버티는 경우도 많습니다. 신세틱 가발 공장들은 중국 인모 가발 공장들처럼 온라인으로 생존 출로를 확보하기 어렵습니다. 생산 구조 자체가 복잡하기도 하고 물류비용을 감당할 마진이 확보되지 않기 때문입니다. 복잡한 생산 구조 때문에 다품종 소량 생산공장으로의 시스템 전환도 쉽지 않습니다. 아니 불가합니다. 그리고 인도네시아나 방글라데시 그 어느 나라도 자기 나라에 와서 생산시설 운영하는 외국인들 위하여 베이징 정부처럼 전자 상거래를 위한 특혜들을 구축해 주지 않습니다. 


$10 레이스 가발, $6 가발, 결국 독배 될 것

수입 도매상의 희생도 컸습니다. 공장 생산 케파를 유지해 주기 위하여 비수기에도 의무 수량을 주문하고, 성수기에는 더 달라고 사정하며 여기까지 왔습니다. 가발 공장 숙련공들을 생산자들만의 자산이 아닌 바이어와 시장의 소중한 자산으로 여기고 그들이 떠나가지 않도록 공장이 돌아가게 해주어야 한다는 책임감이 있어서 였습니다. 그러나 이제 그럴 수가 없습니다. 도매의 창고 크기가 예전 대비 3배 4배로 커졌지만, 더 이상 재고를 끌어안고 갈 공간이 없습니다. 유행이 일 년에 열두 번 변하는 세상에서 공급자 편한 대로 시장을 이끌 수 없으니 재고의 미래가 불안합니다. 지금 팔지 못하면 영원히 팔리지 않을 것이라는 두려움이 있기 때문에 주문은 소극적으로 변하고 판매는 공격적일 수밖에 없습니다. 충분히 이해가 가는 현실입니다. 그리고 최근 10불짜리 레이스 가발과 6불짜리 가발이 쏟아져 나오고 있습니다. 피할 수 없는 독배입니다. 신중하지 않고 독점하려는 욕망, 다 죽이면 나만 살겠지 하는 헛된 꿈의 결과입니다. 이제 그 꿈은 버려야 합니다. 


2. 왜 이런 일이 일어났는가? 


유행 변화 & 불황으로 젊은 소비자층 떠나고 있어

유행이 변했습니다. 그리고 이 변화는 경제적 어려움이 주도하고 있습니다. 지난 10년 가발 시장을 최고 200%이상 성장시켜 주었던 가발의 젊은 소비자층이 떠나고 있습니다. 큰일이 난 겁니다. 따라서 젊은 소비자층을 대상으로 만들어진 스타일, 칼라 가발들은 이제 악성재고가 되었고,  원가 이하로 판매해도 팔리지 않습니다. 경제적 어려움이 주도하는 이 유행의 변화는 품질은 떨어트리지 말고 가격은 낮추라는 강력한 압박을 해 오고 있습니다. 어떻게 그것이 가능한가? 어려운 일입니다. 그러나 결국 그걸 해 내는 브랜드가 생존할 거라 판단합니다. 


신세틱 Sleek back pony tail 상승세 커

Lace Glue와 got2b 판매가 줄어들고, Lace Tint와 Concealer 제품 판매도 함께 줄고 있습니다. 기본제품이라 여겼던 인모 Closure는 수제의 크기가 어떻든, 가격이 얼마든 상관없이 나가지 않습니다. 비싸고 나빠서가 아니라 더 이상 필요 없기 때문입니다. 반면에 Sleek Back 스타일에 유용한 에지제품들, 젤, 왁스 제품들은 잘 나갑니다. 집집마다 등한시했던 synthetic weave hair 판매가 늘어나고 있습니다. 그것도 무서운 상승세입니다.  물론 특정 브랜드가 압도적으로 잘 나갑니다. 이유는 간단합니다. 소비자들의 스타일 취향에 맞는 텍스처와 퍼포먼스 그리고 스타일을 가지고 있기 때문입니다.  그동안 신세틱 위빙을 구매하는 소비자의 70% 이상은 sleek back pony tail을 했습니다. 인모 위빙으로 Sleek back pony tail 스타일을 만든다면 소비자들에게 경제적 부담이 되겠으나, 신세틱으로 만들면 인모대비 10%의 비용으로도 스타일이 가능합니다. sleek back 스타일은 젊은 소비자층들에게 잘 어울리기도 하지만 현재 시장에는 그들 스스로 스타일을 만들 수 있는 케미컬 제품들이 많이 발달해 있기 때문에 이 유행은 쉽게 식지 않을 것입니다. 


싸구려 인모 보다 품질 좋은 신세틱 제품으로 승부를

신세틱 위빙 소비가 지속적인 상승세로 예측되는 이유는 sleek-back으로 제품을 체험한 젊은 소비자들이 quick weave 로 까지 이 제품을 확대 사용하기 시작했기 때문입니다.  따라서 위빙캡과 Protective Shield의 판매가 증가하고 있고, 위브 제품 판매도 꾸준하게 증가하고 있습니다.  그래서 이 라인의 품질 유지가 중요합니다.  소비자들이 어떤 과정을 거쳐 어떤 스타일을 만드는 가에 대한 내용을 무시하고 그저 비슷하게 만들어 팔면 감당하기 어려운 악성재고가 새롭게 만들어질 것입니다.  가발과 비교하여 위빙 제품은 더 까다롭습니다. 혹 이 라인을 늘리실 계획 있으시면 반드시 소비자의 입장에서 테스트해 보시고 구매하셔야 합니다. 영업사원의 말이 아닌 판매할 자신들의 체험과 확인이 필요합니다. 잘 만들어진 신세틱 위빙은 저렴하면서도 품질은 좋아야 한다는 소비자 요구를 충족시킨 가장 좋은 예입니다. 인모 비싸니까 이것저것 섞어서 싸구려 인모 만들지 말고, 품질 좋은 신세틱 제품을 만드는 겁니다. 이제는 클립 헤어도 신세틱 제품들이 나가기 시작합니다. 품질 혁명이 유행의 범위를 확대시켜 주고 있습니다. 


3. 그러면 어떻게 해야 하는가? 

가발 제품에 더 신경 쓰고, 신제품은 조금씩이라도 골고루 취급하라

어려움이 길어질 것이라는 현재 우리의 예측은 집단 지성이 합의한 현실입니다. 누구나 다 두려운 마음으로 그렇게 말합니다. 이러다가 나아지겠지 하는 낙관주의는 금물입니다. 어쩌면 지금이 우리의 새로운 일상이 될 수 있습니다. 그래도 괜찮습니다. 흑탕물이라 하더라도 잔잔해지면 배를 띄울 수 있습니다. 가발에 더 신경 쓰셔야 합니다. 아주 기본적인 스타일들은 가격이 저렴하면서도 품질이 좋은 경우가 많습니다. 도매의 과다 재고가 저가로 풀리는 경우는 좋은 제품을 저렴하게 구입하시는 겁니다.  평소보다는 저렴하게 판매하시라도 너무 낮추어 파시면 안 됩니다.  소비자들이 같은 품질의 같은 가격대를 기대하기 시작하면 정품의 제값 판매가 어려워집니다. 도매상이 출시하는 신제품들은 조금씩이라도 골고루 해 보셔야 합니다. 소비자들 늘 새로운 스타일과 칼라 제품을 기다리고 있습니다. 전체 스타일은 줄여도 가발이 전시되는 마네킨의 총수량은 지키셔야 합니다. 한 가지 스타일을 멀티 칼라로 디스플레이해서라도 우리가 가발의 지존임을 양보해서는 안됩니다. ULTA나 SALLY 혹은 뷰티 제너럴을 판매하는 department stores 들과의 경쟁에서 살아남고 더 잘할 수 있는 길은 케미컬, 잡화, 코스매틱이 아닙니다. 그게 당장 생존하는데 도움 되고 중요하지만 결국 우리의 히든카드는 헤어 제품들입니다. 가발이 있어서 소비자가 우리에게 오는 것입니다. 좀 적게 팔린다고 해장국집에서 해장국 포기할 수는 없는 것입니다. 월마트가 호시탐탐 Shop in Shop으로 가발 제품, 헤어 제품을 하려는 이유가 있습니다. 그게 차별화된 경쟁력을 만들어준다는 것을 그들도 알고 있기 때문입니다. 그런데 왜 시작을 하지 못한다 생각하십니까?  그것은 자기들이 해도 그만큼은 못하겠다 싶을 정도로 여러분들이 잘하고 계셔서 선뜻 뛰어들지 못하고 있는 것입니다. 그러니 힘들 내셔서, 가발 먼지 털고 칼라 바꾸고 스타일 위치도 바꾸셔야 합니다.  가격만 내려 싸게 파는 것만이 길이라 믿지 마시고 보암직하게 가꾸셔야 합니다.  


인도네시아산 헤어제품 각별히 신경 썼으면…

 끝으로 드리고 싶은 부탁입니다. 가발을 털어 걸며 안쪽 아래 붙어있는 벨크로의 생산자 표시중 인도네시아로 국명이 표기된 가발은 한국인 기술자들의 혼이 들어가 있는 제품일 확률이 99%입니다. 마음으로 응원해주시고, 앞에다가 걸어 주시고 빗질이라도 한 번 더 해주기가 바랍니다. 그 공장들이 지난 30년 외딴 시골서 어렵게 만들어주었고, 우리는 그 가발을 팔아서 오늘의 생활기반을 닦은 것입니다. 그러니 마음 각별하게 써서 열심히 팔아 주시기를 바랍니다. 그렇게 되면, 수입 도매상들이 그 공장에 추가로 오더를 진행해서 선순환의 계기를 만들 수도 있을 것입니다. 공장을 이렇게 방치하면 우리가 예측하지 못한 플레이어들이 그 케파를 기반으로 이 시장에 들어올 수 있습니다. 나만 생각하면 나도 망하게 되는 것이니 각자 소매점도 어렵지만 도매점도 살펴보고, 도매상도 어렵지만 만들어주는 공장도 생각해 주어야 합니다. 그래야 2025년에도 우리는 가발을 주로 판매하는 뷰티서플라이라는 차별화된 사업의 정체성을 잘 지켜 나갈 수 있을 것입니다. 


The Product We Must Protect Is Hair Products

1. What Happened iThen the Wig Market?

Crisis in Factory Operations:At Least Keep the Factories Running

Business is down, especially for wigs. This is a sentiment echoed nationwide, particularly for human hair wigs. The few human hair wigs that do sell are usually low-cost short styles, or occasionally, long wigs made cheaply or sold at a low price due to special sales. The number of mannequins in stores is decreasing, replaced by braids, synthetic weaves, and miscellaneous items. Despite the risk of overstock, stores are filling up with these items because leaving the space empty is not an option. Synthetic wig sales have also declined, and lace products have seen a significant drop in sales. Even the synthetic wigs that do sell are primarily low-cost items or excess inventory being sold off cheaply.

During the pandemic, handmade products were in short supply, leading to additional purchases that now sit in wholesale and retail warehouses as time passes. The last of the unsold inventory is being cleared out at extremely low prices, making the introduction of new products a daunting venture. As a result, beauty stores that should focus on fashion have become outlets for hair product clearances, with new products being of low-quality, low-cost items rather than fashion-forward ones. There is a significant quality difference between selling genuine products cheaply and producing items intended to be sold cheaply from the start. Young wig consumers today do not know how to care for and use wigs properly. They are put off by low-cost wigs that tangle or become dry and fall off. They might purchase once, but not a second time. Curly wigs are even more problematic; if they are inconvenient to use after the first purchase, they will not be bought again. Thus, wig products are being pushed to the brink, with no one doing anything to reverse the situation.

Small and Medium Wig Factories Are Thriving: The Problem Lies with Large Factories

Large factories are struggling while smaller ones survive. This is the situation for human hair factories in China. Small and medium-sized human hair wig factories in China are not struggling. This may sound surprising, but it’s true. Large OEM factories that produce for mega brands are facing difficulties because wholesale orders have decreased. On the other hand, factories with around 100 employees producing a few thousand human hair wigs per month are busier than ever, thanks to a trend in Africa for human hair products and consistent online orders from the North American market. African markets pay in advance, and North American online orders are prepaid, leading to good margins and no inventory. While total sales have decreased compared to the OEM era, margins are higher, there is no inventory, and there are no credit sales, keeping the factories running smoothly. The biggest challenge for factories is not a lack of orders but rather import wholesalers who place large orders in a hurry and then refuse to take them due to financial difficulties. Accumulated inventory and credit make it hard for factories to recover, driving them to online and African markets as a survival strategy.


Large synthetic hair product factories in Indonesia and Bangladesh are also facing significant challenges. 

They prepared production lines capable of producing 300,000 to 500,000 wigs per month, but actual orders were only 50,000 to 100,000. Buildings are empty, workers are sent home, overtime has stopped, and a five-day work week has become a luxury. Orders that once had a six-month backlog now barely cover a month. The era of leveraging production capacity to line up buyers has ended. The difficulties facing factories are more severe than market challenges. While markets can switch from selling umbrellas to shoes depending on the weather, hair product factories cannot adapt as easily. It takes years to train technicians and raw materials must be paid for upfront. Labor costs are a fixed expense that cannot be deferred, yet buyers often delay shipping and payment for finished products. Unlike Chinese human hair factories, synthetic wig factories cannot easily secure an online survival route. The production structure is complex, and margins cannot cover logistics costs. Due to the complicated production process, transitioning to small-scale, multi-product production systems is nearly impossible. Furthermore, countries like Indonesia and Bangladesh do not provide e-commerce benefits to foreign operators as the Beijing government does.


$10 Lace Wigs, $6 Wigs, Will Ultimately Be Poison

The sacrifices made by import wholesalers have been substantial. To maintain factory production capacity, they ordered mandatory quantities even during off-seasons and pleaded for more during peak seasons. This was out of a sense of responsibility to keep the factories running, considering the skilled workers as valuable assets not just for the manufacturers but for the buyers and the market as well. However, this is no longer sustainable. Despite the warehouses growing three to four times their original size, there is no more space to hold onto inventory. In a world where trends change twelve times a year, the market cannot be driven solely by the suppliers’ convenience, causing anxiety about the future of the stock. The fear that if it doesn’t sell now, it will never sell has led to cautious ordering and aggressive sales strategies, which is a perfectly understandable reality. Recently, $10 lace wigs and $6 wigs have flooded the market. This is an unavoidable poison. The reckless desire for monopoly, thinking that if others fail, one can survive, is a futile dream that must be abandoned.


2. Why Did This Happen?

Changing Trends and Recession Driving Young Consumers Away

Trends have changed, driven by economic difficulties. The young consumer base that boosted the wig market by over 200% in the past decade is now leaving. This is a major issue. As a result, styles and colored wigs designed for young consumers have become dead stock, unsellable even at below cost. The economic downturn has pressured manufacturers to lower prices without compromising quality, which is a challenging feat. However, the brands that manage to achieve this will ultimately survive.


Rising Trend of Synthetic Slicked-Back Ponytails

Sales of lace glue and got2b have decreased, along with lace tint and concealer products. Human hair closures, regardless of the size or price, are no longer in demand. It’s not because they are expensive or bad, but simply because they are no longer needed. On the other hand, edge products, gels, and waxes useful for sleek back styles are selling well. Sales of synthetic weave hair, previously overlooked by many, are increasing at an alarming rate. Certain brands are performing exceptionally well due to their texture, performance, and style which cater to consumer preferences. Over 70% of consumers who purchased synthetic weaves have created slicked-back ponytails. Creating this style with human hair weaves would be economically burdensome for consumers, but it is feasible with synthetic hair at just 10% of the cost. The slicked-back style suits young consumers well, and given the abundance of chemical products that allow them to create this style themselves, this trend is unlikely to fade soon.


Competing with Quality Synthetic Products over Cheap Human Hair Products

The continuous rise in synthetic weave consumption is predicted because young consumers who experience slick-backed styles with these products are expanding their use to quick weaves. Consequently, sales of weaving caps and protective shields are increasing, along with a steady rise in weave product sales. Maintaining the quality of this line is crucial. Ignoring the processes consumers go through to create their styles and merely producing similar-looking products will result in unmanageable dead stock. Weaving products are more demanding than wigs. If you plan to expand this line, it is essential to test and purchase from the consumer’s perspective, not just based on sales representatives’ words. Your own experience and verification are necessary. Well-made synthetic weaves that are affordable yet high-quality best meet consumer demands. Instead of mixing and creating cheap human hair products due to high costs, focus on producing quality synthetic products. Now, synthetic clip hair products are also gaining popularity. The quality revolution is broadening the scope of trends.


3. Then What Should We Do?

Pay More Attention to Wig Products and Handle New Products Even in Small Quantities

 Our collective intelligence agrees that the current difficulties are expected to persist. Everyone expresses this fear, and optimism that things will improve soon is not advisable. This might become our new normal, and that’s okay. Even if the waters are muddy, we can still navigate once they calm. It is crucial to pay more attention to wigs. Basic styles often come with good quality at affordable prices. When excess wholesale inventory is sold at low prices, it’s an opportunity to buy good products cheaply. However, even if you sell at a lower price than usual, do not undercut too much. If consumers start expecting the same quality at low prices consistently, it will be challenging to sell genuine products at their proper value. It’s important to handle new products released by wholesalers, even in small quantities. Consumers are always looking for new styles and colors. Even if the overall style variety is reduced, the total number of mannequins displaying wigs should be maintained. By displaying one style in multiple colors, we must not concede our position as leaders in wigs. Competing with department stores like ULTA, SALLY, or those selling Beauty General products is not about chemicals, accessories, or cosmetics. While these help in the short term, our hidden advantage lies in hair products. Consumers come to us for wigs. Just as a haejangguk restaurant can’t give up haejangguk, we can’t give up on wigs just because sales are slow. There’s a reason Walmart is eager to include wig and hair products in their stores—they know it creates a competitive edge. They haven’t started because they realize they can’t match the expertise you’ve built. So, take heart, dust off the wigs, change their colors, and rearrange their styles. Don’t just lower prices and sell cheaply, but make them appealing and well-maintained.


Pay Special Attention to Indonesian Hair Products

Lastly, I urge you to pay special attention to wigs labeled “Made in Indonesia” on the Velcro inside. There’s a 99% chance these products are crafted with the dedication of Korean technicians. Support these products, display them prominently, and brush them an extra time. These factories have been making wigs in remote areas for the past 30 years, and we have built our current livelihoods by selling those wigs. Sell them with special care and dedication. This could prompt import wholesalers to place additional orders with these factories, creating a virtuous cycle. If we neglect these factories, unforeseen players might enter the market using that production capacity. Thinking only of oneself leads to failure; we must consider the challenges of retail shops, wholesalers, and factories. By doing so, we can maintain our identity as a beauty supply business primarily selling wigs even in 2025.