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K-Beauty, 흑인마켓성공하려면(2)


아크웰 리코리스 pH 밸런싱 클렌징 토너 / Acwell Licorice pH Balancing Cleansing Tone


K-미백 제품흑인피부 특유의 고민 해결에 찰떡궁합

‘Acwell’  ’TIRTIR 마스크핏 쿠션 파운데이션’ 대표적 성공사례



하지만 흑인 피부를 모른다고 K-BEAUTY를 판매할 길이 없는건 아니다. 한국 화장품 브랜드들이 자신있는 분야가 흑인 피부의니즈와 맞아떨어지기도 하기 때문이다. 대표적인 것이 ‘미백’ 즉스킨 라이트닝 제품군이다.

몇 년 전까지만 해도 미국 시장에서는 미백 화장품은 안된다는 것이 정설이었다. 하지만 올해 미국 미백 화장품 성장세는 5.2%로예측되고 있다. 글로벌 기준으로 봐도 미백(lightening) 화장품의규모가 2022년 $9720 million 정도였고, 2032년이면 $15787 million으로 2배 가까이 성장할 것으로 전망되고 있다. 그 성장의속도가 숨가쁘게 느껴질 정도다. 라이트닝 스킨 시장의 폭발적인성장세의 중심에 흑인과 다크스킨 시장이 있다. 

한국 소비자들은 기껏해야 피부색이 좀 더 짙어지거나 가벼운 주근깨가 올라오는 정도의 고민이지만, 흑인 소비자들은 다르다. 멜라닌이 과하게 분비됨에 따라 나타나는 하이퍼피그먼테이션(hyperpigmentation), 멜라즈마(melasma) 등의 증상이 흔히 나타난다. 이 증상은 피부색이 어두울수로그 나이가 많을수록 심하며 임신 중 호르몬 변화, 피임제 사용으로 인해서도 심해질 수 있다. 반면에 멜라닌 부족으로 인한 백반증(vitiligo), 알비니즘(albinism) 역시 흑인 소비자들에게 자주 나타난다. 

이런 흑인 피부 특유의 고민을 케어하는데 K-BEAUTY 제품이딱이다. 2000~2010년 대 우리나라, 일본을 비롯한 동북 아시아시장에 불었던 ’화이트닝 열풍’을 기억하는지. 이 기간 동안 한국브랜드들은 미백에 관한 다채로운 연구를 통해, 그 어느 나라도 따라올 수 없는 경지에 이르렀다.


Acwell, 흑인 시장에서 브라이트닝을 발견하다

지베르니(GIVERNY), 아크웰(acwell) 등의 브랜드를 보유한 중견 화장품 기업 BNH의 이야기를 소개하려 한다. BNH는 일찌감치 미국 시장으로 눈을 돌렸고, 스킨케어 라인인 acwell을 amazon에 론칭한다. 그러던 어느날 amazon 주문 분석을 하다가흥미로운 사실을 발견했다고 한다. 바로 아프리카 나이지리아에서의 주문이 꽤 많았던 것. 이후 소비자들의 리뷰를 분석하고 youtube, tiktok 등에 올라온 인플루언서들의 영상을 찾아본 결과 그것이 K-성분, 특히 감초(licorice)의 브라이트닝 효과에 대한 기대 때문이라는 결론을 얻게 되었다고 한다.

집티를 케어하고 고른 피부톤을 갖게 해주는 브라이트닝에 관심은 많지만, 흑인들은 독한 하이드로퀴논 같은 화학적 성분에 대한강한 거부감을 갖고 있다. 이들에게 순하고 효과적이면서 수백 년전부터 사용해온 한국적 미백 성분에 대한 기대는 높을 수밖에 없다. 특히 감초(licorice)는 동의보감에도 소개된 미백, 진정 성분으로 ‘옛 한국 여성들이 감초 뿌리를 우려낸 물에 세안하여 피부를가꿨다’는 스토리는 흑인 소비자들을 만족시키고 있다. 


아크웰이 다른 미백 브랜드와 차별화되는 점이라면, 뷰티 서플라이 마켓에 직접 진출하기 전에 흑인 소비자들에게 친근하게 다가가기 위한 밑작업을 했다는 것. 미국 시장에서 영향력 있는 인플루언서들을 컨택, 영어로 된 후기 영상을 제작하도록 지원했다. 당시한국 시장 모델이었던 소녀시대 ‘서현’ 대신, 흑인 모델을 전격 발탁했다는 것도 획기적이었다. 뷰티 서플라이 배포용 홍보 브로셔및 디스플레이를 만들 때도, 뷰티 서플라이 스토어 오너들의 목소리를 충분히 듣고 이를 반영했다. 흑인 소비자들에게는 새로운 카테고리인 ‘클렌징 토너’의 홍보를 위해 미니어처 사이즈의 테스터제품을 입점 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 통해 무료 배포하기도 했고, 최근 흑인 고객들이 많이 찾는다는 요청에 따라 ‘토닝 패드’를 출시하기도 했다.

“흑인 뷰티로 대표되는 다크스킨 뷰티 마켓은, 한국 화장품계에서 잔뼈 굵은 BNH에게도 전혀 새로운 분야입니다. 이 시장으로 빠르게 스며들기 위해서 흑인 소비자의 특징과 니즈, 뷰티 서플라이숍 오너들에게 필요한 것이 무엇인지 충분히 조사하고 지원했던것이 주효했던 것 같습니다.” acwell, GIVERNY, Seulmit 등을 보유한 BNH 코스메틱 권기현 대표이사의 설명이다. 


<아크웰 리코리스 pH 밸런싱 토너 패드 / Acwell Licorice pH Balancing Toner Pad>


K-쿠션이 흑인 시장에서 성공할 수밖에 없는 이유

[블랙핑크], [르세라핌], [(여자)아이들], [트와이스], [뉴진스] 같은 K-POP 여자 아이돌 그룹의 멤버의 화장 장면이 나오면 해당제품은 하룻밤에도 수 만 개가 팔리곤 한다. 이런 직간접 PPL에서가장 많이 노출된 것이 바로 ‘쿠션 파운데이션’이다. 아이돌 멤버들은 중간중간 쿠션으로 화장을 고치기도 하고, 거울을 볼 때도 쿠션 파운데이션을 이용하다 보니 K-POP 스타의 눈부신 피부의 비결임에 틀림없는 쿠션 제품에 대한 관심이 높아졌다. 

하지만 해외 소비자들이 이 쿠션을 구하기란 쉽지 않았다. 쿠션 파운데이션은 한국의 아모레퍼시픽이 전 세계 최초로 개발한 제품이다. 연구원이 주차 티켓에 확인 도장을 찍으려다, 잉크 스탬프에영감을 얻어 만들었다는 것이 널리 알려진 개발 뒷이야기. 파운데이션의 입자를 매우 미세하게 만든 후, 스탬프 패드에 스며들게 만든 원리이지만 이 제품을 생산할 수 있는 업체는 거의 한국에 한정되어 있다. 심지어 랑콤, 디올, YSL, 구찌 등의 쿠션 모두를 한국 OEM사에서 생산할 정도다. 

혹여 아마존이나 한국 직구 쇼핑몰에서 쿠션 제품을 발견했다고해도 ‘그림의 떡’인 경우가 많다. 쿠션 파운데이션은 베이스 제품인만큼 피부에 맞는 컬러이냐가 중요한데, 21호, 22호, 23호 이렇게 달랑 3가지 컬러로도 전 국민의 피부를 커버할 수 있는 단일 민족의 파운데이션 색이 글로벌 소비자들의 피부에 맞을 리가 있나. 특히 흑인이나 다크스킨 소비자들은 SNS 영상 등을 통해 터무니없이 밝은 쿠션 파운데이션의 컬러에 때로는 안타까워하고 때로는 격렬한 불만을 표출하기도 했다. 


티르티르, K-쿠션을 흑인 뷰티계에 알리다

티르티르(TIRTIR)의 쿠션 파운데이션은 1년 가까이 amazon 파운데이션 부문 베스트셀러 1위 자리를 수성 중이다. ‘쿠션’이라는 뜬금없는 이름에, 사용법도, 패키지도 낯선, 게다가 파운데이션치고는 꽤 비싼 가격의 이 K-쿠션 파운데이션의 인기 비결은 뭘까? 

대부분의 성공한 K-BEAUTY 브랜드가 그러하듯 티르티르에도 ‘귀인 인플루언서’가 있다. 바로 유튜브 팔로워 330만명, 인스타그램 팔로워 75.6만명의 뷰티 인플루언서 @missdarcei다. 어느날 그녀는 ‘한국의 쿠션 파운데이션을 사용해봤지만 자신에게는너무 밝은 피부톤에 실망했다’며 ‘내 피부톤에 맞는 쿠션 파운데이션을 보내주는 브랜드가 있다면 홍보해주겠다’고 공언했다.

<아마존에서 판매 중인 티르티르 마스크핏 쿠션 파운데이션 $25/TIRTIR Mask Fit Cushion Foundation available on Amazon for $25">


이 흑인 뷰티 인플루언서의 요청에 유일하게 귀 기울인 브랜드가 바로 티르티르(TIRTIR)였다. 티르티르는 막 개발을 마친 26가지섀이드의 마스크핏 쿠션 파운데이션 전부를 담은 초대형 패키지를 Darcei에게 보냈다. 이후 자신의 피부톤과 완벽히 일치하는 쿠션 제품을 찾고 감동하는 그녀의 모습이 담긴 영상은 순식간에 수백만 뷰를 기록했으며, 전세계적으로 바이럴되었다. 티르티르는 현재 이 영상의 편집본을 활용한 광고도 제작해 amazon 등에서 활용하고 있다.  



임비올, 흑인 뷰티 서플라이 시장만을 위한 쿠션 파운데이션 출시

“언니, 흑인 뷰티 시장에 쿠션 파운데이션이 꼭 필요합니다. 어디 만들어줄 브랜드 없을까요?” 루이지애나에서 2대째 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 운영하는 오수정 대표의 전화 너머 목소리는 확신에차 있었고 간절했다. 

“갑자기 웬 쿠션 파운데이션 얘기야?” 얘기를 들으니 요즘 아마존에서 인기인 티르티르(TIRTIR)쿠션 파운데이션을 매장에 넣으려 백방을 수소문했지만 아마존 외의 오프라인 유통을 찾을 수 없었다는 것. 나중에 코스맥스의 쿠션 부문 담당자에게 확인해보니 티르티르는 일본 시장 및 아마존물량을 대기에도 버거워서 미국에서는 거의 아마존 익스클루시브로 유통하는 것 같다고 했다. 

며칠 고민하다가, 올봄부터 브랜드 리뉴얼 컨설팅을 맡고 있는 임비올(imbeall)의 CEO인 손은임대표에게 얘기를 꺼냈다. “대표님, 흑인용 쿠션 파운데이션을 만들어 보실 생각 있으신가요? 확실히 시장은 있거든요.” 임비올에도 역시 코스맥스에서 제조해 반응이 좋은 톤업 파운데이션 쿠션이있긴 하지만 아닌 밤에 홍두깨도 아니고 갑자기 흑인용 컬러 베이스라니!


하지만 26년 차 메이크업 아티스트인 그녀에게서 돌아온 답은 의외였다.

“그렇지 않아도 요즘 다크스킨 메이크업을 연구하고 있던 참이었어요.”

손은임 대표는 국내외 미인대회 및 오디션 프로그램의 참가자 메이크오버 작업을 도맡아왔는데, 최근 글로벌 참가자들이 부쩍 늘어나면서 다크스킨의 참가자들의 메이크업을 하기에는 한국 파운데이션의 컬러 다양성이 부족하다고 느꼈다는 것. 

“쿠션은 바르기 쉽고, 톡톡 두드리듯 발라주면 촉촉한 윤광이 생기잖아요. 제가 프로그램을 하면서 메이크업을 해보니 피부색이 어두울수록 더 예쁜 글로우(glow)가 살아나더라고요. 흑인 피부에는 쿠션 파운데이션이 딱이에요!”

일단은 대표적인 흑인 뷰티 브랜드인 펜티(Fenty) 뷰티, N.Y.X 등의 파운데이션 섀이드부터 살펴보기로 했다. 하지만 그야말로 오 마이 갓! 펜티 뷰티만 해도 대표 파운데이션의 컬러가 무려 60여개나 되었다. 이제 막 흑인 베이스 시장에 도전하는 브랜드에게는 3개 이상의 섀이드 만드는 일도비용적으로 부담스러운 일이었다. 게다가 막상 만든다고 해도 만든 컬러가 현지 고객들의 피부색과 안 맞으면, 한국에서 팔 수도 없고 어떡하나….시작도 전에 생각이 많아졌다. 


“제가 도와드릴께요! 일단 지금 뷰티 서플라이 숍들에서 가장 잘 나가는 컬러 위주로 해서 몇 가지색이라도 만들어보면 어때요? 그리고 반응이 좋으면 컬러를 조금씩 늘려가는 거예요!” 오수정 대표가 선뜻 돕겠다고 나섰다. 루이지애나, 텍사스, 플로리다의 뷰티 서플라이 숍에서 평균적으로 잘판매되는 컬러 리스트를 받았다. 

K-Beauty, 흑인마켓성공하려면(2)

3월, 아틀란타 출장 때 다양한 브랜드의 다크 섀이드 파운데이션 샘플 수십 개를 구매해왔고, 코스맥스 쿠션 개발팀의 도움을 받아 1차로 총 10가지의 다크 섀이드를 만들었다. 그리고 이 쿠션 샘플을 미국으로 보냈다. 2달 간 뷰티 서플라이 실제 고객들에게 직접 사용해보라고 하고, 제형과 컬러의 선호도 등의 피드백을 꼼꼼히 받았다. 용기 컬러 및 디자인, 제품명에 대해서도 소비자들의 생생한 목소리를 전해 들었고 뷰티 서플라이 제품 유통가에 맞춰 리테일 판매가도 조정했다.  이렇게 탄생한 임비올의 새로운 쿠션 파운데이션이 오는 10월 드디어 미국 시장에 론칭할 예정이다. 

<임비올 청담뷰티의 제품 라인업 / Imbeall Cheongdam Beauty's Product Lineup>



글: 정옥자 (K-BEAUTY 컨설턴트) 

서강대학교 신문방송학과를 졸업하고 중앙일보 출판국 산하 여성잡지 부문에서 뷰티 기자와 편집장으로 일했다. 현재는 ‘오일리스킨 컴퍼니’라는 회사를 설립, 화장품 브랜딩과 컨설팅을 하고 있다. 국내 최초 비건 메이크업 브랜드인 athe beauty, Rbow, NoLie, Jullai, ZVYK 등을 담당했다. 저서로 <나도 화장품이나 수입해서 팔아볼까> 등이 있다.

K-Beauty: Succeeding in the Black Market (2)

K-Whitening Products: A Perfect Match for Solving Unique Skin Concerns of Black Skin

‘Acwell’ and ‘TIRTIR Mask Fit Cushion Foundation’ are Representative Success Stories Drawing Interest from Ethnic Consumers



By: Jeong Ok-ja (K-BEAUTY Consultant)

When it comes to skincare, Black consumers are interested in K-whitening products. However, just because one may not fully understand Black skin doesn’t mean that selling K-beauty is out of reach. This is because Korean cosmetic brands have expertise in certain areas that align well with the needs of Black skin. One such area is 'whitening,' specifically the skin-lightening product category.


A few years ago, it was widely believed that whitening cosmetics wouldn't work in the U.S. market. However, this year, the growth of whitening cosmetics in the U.S. is expected to reach 5.2%. Globally, the market for whitening (lightening) cosmetics was around $9.72 billion in 2022, and it's projected to nearly double to $15.787 billion by 2032. The growth is so rapid it feels almost breathless.  At the center of this explosive growth in the skin-lightening market are Black and dark-skinned consumers.


Korean consumers may only worry about slightly darker skin tones or the occasional appearance of light freckles, but Black consumers face different concerns. Conditions like hyperpigmentation, caused by excess melanin production, and melasma are common. These symptoms tend to be more severe in individuals with darker skin and older age and can worsen due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or the use of contraceptives. On the other hand, conditions like vitiligo and albinism, caused by a lack of melanin, are also frequently seen in Black consumers.

K-Beauty products are perfectly suited to address these unique skin concerns of Black consumers. Do you remember the "whitening craze" that swept across the markets of Korea, Japan, and Northeast Asia during the 2000s and 2010s? During this time, Korean brands conducted extensive research on whitening, reaching a level of expertise that no other country could match.


Acwell discovers brightening in the Black market.

I'd like to introduce the story of BNH, a mid-sized cosmetics company that owns brands such as Giverny and Acwell. BNH turned its attention to the U.S. market early on and launched its skincare line, Acwell, on Amazon. One day, while analyzing Amazon order data, they discovered something interesting—there were quite a few orders coming from Nigeria, Africa. After analyzing customer reviews and searching for influencer videos on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, they concluded that this demand was driven by the expectation of K-beauty ingredients, particularly licorice, for its brightening effects."


Many Black consumers are interested in brightening products that help care for blemishes and achieve an even skin tone, but they have a strong aversion to harsh chemical ingredients like hydroquinone. Naturally, their expectations are high for gentle yet effective Korean brightening ingredients that have been used for centuries. Licorice, in particular, is known for its brightening and soothing properties, as mentioned in the Dongui Bogam(Korean traditional medical text). The story of 'Korean women in the past who used to wash their faces with water infused with licorice root' is resonating well with Black consumers."


What sets Acwell apart from other brightening brands is the groundwork they laid to connect with Black consumers before entering the beauty supply market directly. They reached out to influential U.S.-based influencers and supported the creation of review videos in English. It was also groundbreaking to select a Black model, instead of Seohyun from Girls' Generation, who was the model for the Korean market at the time. When creating promotional brochures and displays for beauty supply stores, they listened closely to the store owners' feedback and incorporated it. To promote the 'cleansing toner,' a new category for Black consumers, they distributed miniature-sized tester products for free through beauty supply stores. Recently, in response to requests from Black customers, who had been increasingly asking for it, they also launched a 'toning pad.'"


The dark skin beauty market, which is represented by Black beauty, is an entirely new field even for BNH, a company with extensive experience in the Korean cosmetics industry. It seems that BNH's success in quickly penetrating this market was due to thoroughly researching and understanding the characteristics and needs of Black consumers, as well as what beauty supply shop owners required." This is how Kwon Ki-hyun, CEO of BNH Cosmetics, which owns Acwell, Giverny, and Seulmit, explains their strategy.


The reason K-cushions are destined to succeed in the Black market.

When K-pop girl group members from groups like [Blackpink], [Le Sserafim], [(G)I-dle], [Twice], or [NewJeans] are shown doing their makeup, the products they use often sell thousands overnight. Among these, the 'cushion foundation' has been featured the most in direct and indirect product placements. As the idols frequently touch up their makeup with cushions or use cushion foundations while checking themselves in the mirror, interest has surged in cushion products as the secret to K-pop stars' flawless skin."


"However, it hasn't been easy for overseas consumers to get their hands on these cushion foundations. The cushion foundation was first developed by Korea's AmorePacific, making it the world's very first product of its kind. It's widely known that the idea for its development came when a researcher was stamping a parking ticket and was inspired by the ink stamp. The foundation's particles were made extremely fine, allowing them to be absorbed into the stamp-like pad. However, the production of these products is largely limited to Korea. In fact, even cushion foundations from brands like Lancôme, Dior, YSL, and Gucci are produced by Korean OEM companies."


"Even if consumers find cushion foundation products on Amazon or Korean direct-purchase shopping sites, they often feel like it's out of reach. Since cushion foundations are base products, it's crucial that the color matches the skin tone. However, with only three shades—21, 22, and 23—designed to suit the mostly homogeneous skin tones of the Korean population, it's unlikely that these shades will match the diverse skin tones of global consumers. Particularly, Black and dark-skinned consumers, after watching videos on social media, have sometimes expressed disappointment and, at other times, voiced strong dissatisfaction with the excessively light shades of cushion foundations."


TIRTIR: Introducing K-Cushion to the Black Beauty Market: 

TIRTIR's cushion foundation has been holding the top spot in Amazon's foundation category for nearly a year. Despite the unfamiliar name 'cushion,' and the fact that its usage and packaging are new to many, the K-cushion foundation's popularity is noteworthy. What is the secret behind this K-cushion foundation's success? Like most successful K-Beauty brands, TIRTIR has a 'benefactor influencer.' This influencer is @missdarcei, a beauty influencer with 3.3 million YouTube followers and 756,000 Instagram followers. One day, she shared her disappointment with the 'Korean cushion foundation,' stating that it was too light for her skin tone. She then declared that if a brand could send her a cushion foundation that matched her skin tone, she would promote it."

The only brand that truly listened to the Black beauty influencer's request was TIRTIR. TIRTIR sent Darcei an enormous package containing all 26 shades of their newly developed Mask Fit Cushion Foundation. The video of her finding a cushion product that perfectly matched her skin tone and her emotional reaction quickly garnered millions of views and went viral worldwide. TIRTIR is now using an edited version of this video for advertisements on platforms like Amazon.


Imbeall Launches Cushion Foundation Only For Black Beauty Supply Market

'Sister, the Black beauty market really needs cushion foundation. Is there any brand that can make it?' This was the urgent and determined voice of Oh, Su Jung, who operates a beauty supply store in Louisiana and is running the second generation of her family business. She had been looking everywhere to stock the popular TIRTIR cushion foundation in her stores but couldn't find any offline distribution channels outside of Amazon for dark shades. Later, when checking with the cushion division at Cosmax, it was confirmed that TIRTIR was struggling to meet the demands of the Japanese market and Amazon, making it almost exclusively available in the U.S. through Amazon."

After a few days of contemplation, I approached Son Eun-im, CEO of Imbeall, who has been handling brand renewal consulting since this spring. I asked, "Are you interested in developing a cushion foundation for Black skin? There is definitely a market for it." Although Imbeall already has a tone-up foundation cushion produced by Cosmax with positive feedback, the idea of suddenly venturing into a foundation specifically for Black skin seemed quite unexpected. However, the response from Son Eun-im, a seasoned makeup artist with 26 years of experience, was surprising. "Actually, I've been researching dark skin makeup recently." Son Eun-im, who has managed makeovers for participants in both domestic and international beauty pageants and audition programs, felt that the color variety of Korean foundations was insufficient for dark-skinned participants due to the recent increase in global participants. "Cushions are easy to apply and create a dewy glow when patted on. I noticed that the darker the skin tone, the more beautiful the glow becomes. Cushion foundation is perfect for Black skin!"


First, we decided to review the foundation shades from major Black beauty brands like Fenty Beauty and NYX. But oh my gosh! Fenty Beauty alone has about 60 shades for their flagship foundation. For a brand just entering the Black base market, creating more than three shades is financially challenging. Plus, if the colors we create don’t match the local customers' skin tones, we can’t sell them in Korea either. The concerns piled up before we even started. So, we thought it might be a good idea to start by creating a few shades based on the most popular colors at beauty supply shops with Oh, Su Jung. If the response was positive, we could gradually expand the color range. Oh Su Jung provided a list of colors that sell well on average in beauty supply shops in Louisiana, Texas, and Florida.


In March, during a business trip to Atlanta, I bought dozens of dark shade foundation samples from various brands. With the help of the Cosmax cushion development team, we initially created 10 dark shades. These cushion samples were then sent to the U.S. We had real customers at beauty supply stores use them for two months, and we meticulously collected feedback on preferences for the formula and shades. We also received feedback on packaging color, design, and product name, and adjusted the retail price according to beauty supply product distribution rates. Imbeall's new cushion foundation, born from this process, is set to launch in the U.S. market this October."



<Author> : Jeong Ok-ja graduated from the Department of Journalism and Broadcasting at Sogang University and worked as a beauty reporter and editor at the Women’s Magazine section of JoongAng Ilbo Publishing. She now runs a company called ‘Oilless Skin Company,’ specializing in cosmetics branding and consulting. She has managed domestic vegan makeup brands like athe beauty, Rbow, NoLie, Jullai, and ZVYK. She is also the author of books such as <Should I Import and Sell Cosmetics?>